Profile PictureCorina Zurcher

The Father of Lights: Book II

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“Your ally of former days is the Keeper of the Key.”

When the Witch of Endor is summoned from the depths of perdition to breathe forth the prophesy of the End of Days, the Lord of Hell is given a new revelation, “For you shall be bound by adamantine chains for a thousand years…” There is a key that will free him from his prison door, and only the archangel Gabriel knows where it lies.

The Archangels Trilogy continues as Lucifer reminisces about the days of old and long forgotten as he seeks to find what he once possessed when he stood beside his father in heaven. But he is not the only one reminiscing, for Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are preparing for the final battle when the last command is given and the Son of Man returns. And to prepare for one battle, they remember another where God separated the light from the dark, and some of their kind fell…

This is the second book of the epic Archangels Trilogy.


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The Father of Lights: Book II

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